MAF/MAP Enhancer

MAP /MAF Enhancer Unit

Dial sensor controller with on / off switch.These are a very necessary component of any hydrogen system in any newer vehicles with MAP MAF sensors. When hydrogen sytem runing is introduced into combustion, these sensors read a highly lean (Oxygen Rich) mix and send themessage to the air / fuel mixture to compensate by adding more fuel thus defeating the purpose of using the hydrogen Generator. What is does is "Dial back" the oxygen signal allowing the most efficient air fuel ratio to the point of running on HHO gas solely.

I have one mounted for example on the stick shifter of one of my 3/4 ton trucks and as I drive, I can literally dial in or out the amount of fuel introduced by the injectors as my power requirements dictate. The engine runs and runs well on HHO but you lose raw horse power so off or almost off for city driving requiring take off power etc. and when cruising dial it on up to cut back your fuel injectors and cruise on your free HHO is what you are doing.

I am experiencing upwards of 30 MPG with my loaded F-250 4x4 andmy fingers rarely leave the devise just as my foot is constantly on the accellerator. There is absolutely no reason to buy a dual dial, it just overcomplicates efficient driving and the end result is the same, adjusting fuel injection rate.

This device can toggle between ENHANCED mode or ORIGINAL mode which turns everything back to factory settings.

It also has 2 knobs that turns 300 degrees for CITY and HIGHWAY driving.